Idaho State Supreme Court Building



Built in 1969, the Idaho State Supreme Court building is an excellent example of the Modern style of architecture, according to the Idaho Historic Preservation Council. Located in historic district of the Boise, the Supreme Court building was under renovation restrictions.


An old unreliable air handler needed to be replaced without any disruption to the occupants of the building, as quickly as possible. Access to the basement mechanical room was extremely limited, especially for an air handler with the 151,000 cfm capacity that was replacing the old unit.


The project team selected an ACCESS™ site-assembled custom air handler from ClimateCraft. Design and logistical planning between the contractor, Cascade Enterprises, and ClimateCraft ensured that each ACCESS unit component would fit through the limited ingress allowed by the historic renovation restrictions. Cascade Enterprises also sent several members of their team to the ACCESS Certified Installer training offered by ClimateCraft. Installation required 12 days due to the unit size and project complexity. The new ACCESS air handler was completed right on schedule without any disruption of cooling for the building occupants


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