Perhaps your air handling unit (AHU) is still in great shape, but needs an energy upgrade. Or you may be facing the mechanical failure of an aging, large belt-driven or single fan system which could result in a situation where it will take too long to obtain repair parts, and possibly too much down-time. Your installation area may even have space constraints which make repairs prohibitively expensive.
Regardless of your existing system challenges or application type, FanMatrix stand-alone arrays can be a cost effective, easy to install solution for a large fan replacement.
Stand-alone fan towers are available in 34.5-inch wide configurations to negotiate narrow corridors, fit around tight corners and pass through 3-foot framed door openings. What’s more, they’re IBC-certified and OSHPD-pre-approved to meet your seismic requirements.
FanMatrix retrofit towers are engineered to meet your specific requirements. If a full AHU retrofit is required, FanMatrix retrofit towers are coupled with a ClimateCraft ACCESS™ site-assembled solution to meet the most demanding specifications.
Note: ClimateCraft's fan array products allow for fans to be turned off for safety, repair, and maintenance purposes. ClimateCraft's fan array products are not designed to turn individual fans on and off for the purpose of improving fan array efficiency, and ClimateCraft does not endorse turning individual fans on and off for the purpose of improving fan array efficiency. Any statement to the contrary is not supported by ClimateCraft.