For some replacement projects, you may want to replace just the fan of an existing air handler, rather than replace the entire air handler. For those projects we offer our advanced FanMatrix fan array system as a stand-alone configuration.
Fan Matrix fan array systems are ideal for retrofits needing
This solution is ideal for applications ranging from 2,000 to 200,000 CFM, including retrofits requiring new fans due to failure, age or poor performance; or even difficulty getting repairs or parts. The compact footprint of FanMatrix arrays is also ideal for replacing AHU fans in equipment rooms with severely limited access.
Stand-alone fan towers are available in 34.5-inch wide configurations to negotiate narrow corridors, fit around tight corners and pass through 3-foot framed door openings. In addition, they are available with IBC seismic certification and OSHPD pre-approval as options.
FanMatrix Array can be designed to fit capacity and space.
FanMatrix Array fits through a standard 3-ft doorway
Note: ClimateCraft's fan array products allow for fans to be turned off for safety, repair, and maintenance purposes. ClimateCraft's fan array products are not designed to turn individual fans on and off for the purpose of improving fan array efficiency, and ClimateCraft does not endorse turning individual fans on and off for the purpose of improving fan array efficiency. Any statement to the contrary is not supported by ClimateCraft.